Eucharistic Prayer for Lent: Wandering Toward God

Holy God, Merciful Guide,
you created humanity
to live in your love.
When your people wandered in the wilderness,
you nourished them along the way,
and brought them close to you again.

You sent Jesus, your own heart,
to travel with us and all people
so we may come to know your love fully.
He protected the lost,
forgave those who had strayed,
and gently guided those wandering away
because of sin, fear, and rejection.

In the night in which he was betrayed…

Trusting that Christ journeys with us through life and death,
we proclaim the mystery of faith:
Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.

Send your Spirit to be our beacon
so we may be led by your grace.
Bless this meal as it brings us close to you
and you close to us.
Send us out from the gift of this table
to all who are seeking and searching,
that they may be drawn to you
by our words and deeds of love and compassion.

Glory and praise to you, O God,
through Jesus, our Way,
with the Spirit, our Companion,
in your holy church, our fellow travelers,
now and forever.  Amen.


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