Eucharistic Prayer for Easter

A eucharistic prayer I wrote for Easter, offered to the church:

Eucharistic Prayer for Easter

Holy God, Holy Love, Holy Wonder,
      out of silence and emptiness
      you created the heavens and the earth.
            The oceans sing your praise.
            The rivers chant your glory.
Out of Abraham and Sarah’s dead end,
      you made promises, you granted laughter,
      you brought forth descendants to continue your story.
Out of the deathly power of oppression and slavery
      you liberated your people
      and blessed them with water, bread, wine.
Out of their lifeless wandering from your justice and mercy
      you sent them prophets who sang poems
            that serenaded them back to you.

In your great compassion for every tribe and nation,
      you sent Jesus,
            to bring everyone out of the tomb of hatred and sin
            and into the life of your love.
He fully embodied your compassion,
      lifting up the poor,
      raising up the lowly,
      forgiving the sinner,
      suffering and dying
            so that no one need suffer
      injustice and fear any more.
Out of the death of his own tomb,
      you raised him up
      so your story of love will not end.

In the night in which he was betrayed,
      our Lord Jesus took bread,
      and gave thanks;
      broke it,
      and gave it to his disciples, saying: 
      Take and eat;
      this is my body, given for you.
      Do this for the remembrance of me.

Again, after supper, he took the cup,
      gave thanks,
      and gave it for all to drink, saying:
      This cup is the new covenant
      in my blood, shed for you
      and for all people
      for the forgiveness of sin.
      Do this for the remembrance of me.

Together with one voice, we celebrate the paschal mystery of faith:
Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.

Send your Spirit to fill us with the joy of the resurrection.
      Grant us hope beyond our comprehension.
Bless these gifts of bread and wine,
      so that the endless life and love of Jesus
      may dwell in us, and flow from us
            through acts of love for our neighbors.

Holy God, Holy Love, Holy Wonder,
      we give you more praise than we can utter,
      as we await that great day
            when the feast of your love
                  has no walls, no exceptions, no end,
            when we gather with Christ, by the Spirit,
            and know life in you:
                  love that cannot die,
                  love that enlivens our weary bones,
                  love that exceeds every hope and dream,
                  love, now and forever.


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